To Burn, To Diffuse, To Apply… Oh My!

I love opening boxes like this!  This makes me happy.


So many wonderful essential oils so many wonderful things to do with them.

In 1996, I was a senior in high school, when I was given a Christmas gift from a friend of an aroma burner and some essential oils. What can I say? I loved it and have been using essential oils ever since.  Granted, back in 1996 I didn’t know too much then, but over the years I have tried many different things and oils and now I use them quite frequently, and of course I am always learning more.

Funny story.  When my boyfriend (now husband) and I started dating, he was in my kitchen and opened the cabinet and saw all my oils, droppers and bottles… he looked over his shoulder and asked me if I was a witch.  I laughed and replied no.  However, in retrospect, perhaps on some level I am.  I guess it depends on what your definition of a witch is.

While there are many wonderful essentials oils by far, one of my all time favorites is still a very familiar one to many, lavender.  My husband’s favorite is eucalyptus.20181216_0959345395939603890155227.jpg  I take both of our favorites and for the past thirteen years I have been using this combination in a spray bottle (with water) to spritz our sheets each night before bed.  Initially I was doing this because I just enjoyed the smell and it helped ease me into a sound sleep.  Along the way, I have learned that by spraying this in the air, eucalyptus can kill over 70% of airborne staph bacteria and is a expectorant, antimicrobial, antibacterial and lavender has been clinically evaluated for its relaxing effects and is also anti-inflammatory, and is really good for your skin.  A win on so many levels.  Who knew?


This time of year, you may hear of people using the essential oil blend called Thieves.

Interesting fact.  “This blend was created from research about a group of 15th-century thieves who rubbed oils on themselves to avoid contracting the plague while they robbed the bodies of the dead and dying.  When apprehended, these thieves disclosed the formula of herbs, spices, and oils they used to protect themselves in exchange for more lenient punishment.  This blend of therapeutic-grade essential oils was tested at Weber State University for its potent antimicrobial properties.  Thieves was found to have a 99.96 percent kill rate against airborne bacteria.  The oils are highly antiviral, antiseptic, antibacterial, anti-infectious and help to protect they body against such illnesses flu, colds, sinusitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, sore throats, etc.”  This fact was pulled from a great book I have been referencing for years, “Essential Oils Desk Reference Compiled by Essential Science Publishing”.

This blend consists of Clove, Lemon, Cinnamon Bark, Eucalyptus and Rosemary.

Over the past few years, I have seen more and more people using essential oils and companies selling essential oils.  The brand I have grown to love and generally buy all my essential oils from is Aura Cacia (they have many more products than just oils).  I have been extremely happy with this line for many reasons (which could be a blog post in itself).  But first I find their products are of high quality.  Aura Cacia works directly with the farmers and producers of their ingredients.  They are a structured co-op, which I am more than happy to support.  The main umbrella company is Frontier Co-Op.  Therefore all the multiple owners and businesses involved in the co-op work together and agree on how to keep moving forward while creating high quality products and jointly advocate for doing the responsible thing not only for people, but for our planet.  And even more than that, each purchase I make of Aura Cacia products supports organizations that help women transform their lives!  How fantastic is that?!  You can learn more about that through Aura Cacia’s Positive Change Project.

20181215_162920-13302556928514277153.jpgJust wanted to share my passion for essential oils, which is a continually learning process, but the benefits of using them are incredible and extensive.

If this is a new topic for you and you are intrigued to learn more here are few things to know:

  • Essential oils are highly concentrated subtle, volatile liquids (be careful when purchasing, steer clear of synthetic, fragrant oils and purchase 100% pure essential oils (not all oils are created equally).
  • Since they are highly concentrated, to use they must be diluted.
  • Granted there are only a select few that you could use directly on your skin, they should always be diluted down and if you choose to use directly on your skin, patch test first.
  • Be cautious of oils labeled “Clinical Grade” or “Therapeutic Grade.” These terms are not standardized in the industry.  Instead I encourage you to learn the company you choose to buy from.  While there are some very impressive companies creating wonderful products, there are also companies that are all about the ‘marketing’ and push not so high quality.  I encourage you to find a company that is transparent in their production, quality and purity.
  • A great online source for more on aromatherapy and essential oils is aromaweb.

Again, so many wonderful essential oils, so many wonderful things to do with them and so many wonderful health benefits to using them.

Zenfully Yours,

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