The Practice of Gratitude

The act of expressing appreciation for all that is! This time of year, we tend to resonate within the frequency of gratitude as the magic of the holiday season falls upon us. While I think this is absolutely wonderful, I encourage you to practice gratitude every day all year round.


Many different studies have shown the positive effects are practicing gratitude; such as becoming more patient and accepting, sleeping better, increased happiness, and overall better health and wellness. We all have our unique ways of showing our gratitude and exercising ways of creating greater gratitude in our lives.
Below is a short list of simple ways to express and increase gratitude in your life:

  • Sending a random note of thanks and love that is unexpected
  • Stating 3 good things daily (I love this one! And I absolutely loved seeing this in practice, when my cousin, at the end of each day, asks her two girls to tell her three good things that happened that day. Then they discussed each and talk about it further in detail. For example, she asks them how did that make you feel?).
  • Offering a smile to others
  • Giving hugs (There is nothing better than a welcomed, full, loving embrace. Science even says that if you can hold a hug for at least 6 seconds, it begins to have a positive, chemical effect in our bodies, by increasing the hormone levels of oxytocin, the “feel-good hormone” and lowering blood pressure and cortisol levels, the “stress hormone.” Hugs also increase our social connections and belonging). Hug on folks!2744232_s5640666373340194827.jpg
  • Saying Thank you. So simple, but yet so powerful!

…The list can go on, and while I practice all the above, my favorite is practicing gratitude on my yoga mat.  Besides hugs that is.  I love HUGS.

The energy of Gratitude begins in the heart. One must have an open and receptive heart chakra to allow the energy of gratitude to radiate from. As you become more mindful of expressing gratitude the heart energy will naturally open. The more you begin to practice gratitude and see the silver lining in all situations, the more appreciation and joy will be attracted into your life.
Now, I know we are only human, and as humans, we experience a plethora of emotions, which we are most definitely allowed to feel. We all will have times when we feel sad, angry, frustrated, or overwhelmed, and that is OK! Have your moments, then gather yourself and move back into higher frequency emotions such as joy, gratitude and love. Sometimes making the transition back may be challenging, so an easy way to move back into gratitude is simply repeating to yourself, or out loud, ”Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you…”

I have created a mini yoga session, 13 minutes, for my fellow yogis to practice to help cultivate gratitude.  The yoga practice is a mini series of asanas (poses) and mudras (hand poses or spiritual gestures that have an energetic seal of authenticity between mind, physical body and energy body, facilitating the flow of energy). All asanas and mudras in this mini session are focused on opening the heart energy, and in essence connecting to the energy of gratitude. The series is also written out for you below.  You can also just choose to use the mudras I demonstrate below to help open your heart and cultivate gratitude.  

Namaste my beautiful souls.

Zenfully Yours,

Yoga practice for cultivating Gratitude:

Begin is a seated, crossed legged comfortable position, (sukhasana) with the Hridaya (Heart) Mudra: is the index fingers touching at the base of the thumbs where they connect to the hands, resting the middle finger and ring finger gently on the tip of the thumb and the pinky finger extending outward,then rest your hands upon your knees.

This mudra opens the heart meridian which begins in the heart and travels up through the axilla and down the medial side of the arm through the wrist and out the pinky finger. This mudra helps releases any heavy emotions weighing on the heart, releases stress and anxiety, and helps to keep the heart open. Holding this mudra, take a few rounds of even breaths and state the intention: “I intend to to open my heart and to connect and radiate within the energy of Gratitude.”

You can then repeat the mantra, “THANK YOU. THANK YOU. THANK YOU. THANK YOU. THANK YOU. THANK YOU…”

Then take your hands behind your hips about 6-12″ and lift your hips upward and come onto your knees, opening the heart. Take a few breaths here. Then roll your hips back down and walk your hands out before you to fold forward. Take moment here and have an internal thought of something you are thankful for.

Next come to stand at the top of your mat in Mountain Pose (Tadasana). Standing with an open heart and allowing yourself to be open and receptive, find gratitude for all your inspirations and dreams. Here you can take Padma (Lotus) Mudra while taking a few breaths and connecting to the unlimited possibilities the future holds.  Padma Mudra is taking your hands in prayer pose, then keeping the base of the palms together and the thumbs and pinkys touching, peal the index, middle and ring finger away from each other opening your palms like a blooming lotus.

Next move slowly into low lunge (Anjaneyasana) holding this pose for a few breaths on each side creating stability in your legs and then reach your arms upward and take a slight back bend revealing your heart. Find gratitude for an aspect of your life that you are grateful for.

Next take Exalted warrior (Viparita Virabhadasana) on each side for a few breaths. While holding this pose find gratitude for challenging moments you have encountered and how you evolved from them.

Next take Standing Forward Fold (Uttanasana) and hang out here for a few breaths and feel the sensations of the inversion, and all the fresh oxygen-rich blood moving toward your brain for mental clarity.

Moving down to the ground onto your belly move into Bow Pose (Dhanurasana).  Bend your knees and reach your hands behind your to grab hold of your ankles.  As you being to kick your feet into your hands, you begin to move into a strong back bend.  Let your breath rock you and gently massage your internal organs.  Honor your body here, and learn how to move from the your heart.

Next move slowly into Child’s pose (Balasana).  As you fold forward into yourself take this moment to travel inward and give thanks for being here.  For being present and practicing.  As you feel your breath move effortless in and out express gratitude for your breath, for being alive.

Gently come up and swing your legs out before you into Seated Forward Fold (Paschimottanasana).  Again, a pose that allows your to travel inward.  In this pose honor a part of your body which you are especially grateful for.

Then move into a Supported Reclining Heart Opener (Setu Bandhasana Variation). Taking a yoga block or rolled up towel, place it under your upper back and lay right into it. This is a relaxing chest opener inspiring gratitude allowing the heart chakra to open. Here bring your thoughts to an event or something you witnessed that invoked great feelings of joy and love and gratitude in your heart.

Remove the block and take Corpse Pose (Savasana). Allow yourself to let your body become fully relaxed and melt into gratitude as your tension melts away and you are firmly supported by the earth below you. Have gratitude that the universe will always support you.

Finally move yourself back into an easy seated pose (sukhasana) taking Anjali Mudra, (prayer pose) at the heart, inducing awareness and honoring what is and all that your are.


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