Bucket Lists

One evening on our vacation, the ten of us were relaxing and sipping on our night caps, when we began the discussion of bucket lists. Bucket List by rgaudet17We started sharing what we had on them. Many shared places/destinations that they still want to travel to. Some desires discussed were: to jump out of a plane, drive fancy, fast cars on the Autobahn, and to foster/adopt children, become more philanthropic.  It was a great conversation to have and we learned a lot about each other that night. I went to bed thinking of my bucket list because I really didn’t have much to add that evening. Actually, I’m still continuing to think about it.

Yes, when I was younger I had many, which I have accomplished, such as graduate from college, work in the spa industry, create and sell my own small day spa, travel Europe, live in a big city for a couple of years (I chose Boston).

Now, quite honestly, I don’t have a long list and I truly can only come up with one meaningful one.  Yes, there are still places I will travel to and destinations I still have to see, but as to things that I still must do?  Mine is to continue to, every day, build my relationships: with self, other beings and the world. I cherish my relationships with the people I hold near and dear.  I want to be, in the most sincere form of the word, a true friend: to build deep, complex connections, to continue to grow these relationships as well as to continue to meet new beautiful souls and connect.  I want them to grow by creating deep trust and wonderful memories and really learning the essence of myself and each person, and vibrate at the highest frequencies. And YES, this can be done by taking crazy adventures and traveling to new places and trying new things, which I am completely open to.  Actually, the cool thing about really honing in on this one desire is that in order to do so, I have to continue to explore my internal depths to keep peeling away my own layers and by doing this means to take daring adventures, explore new places and new people and new cultures and new ways of being.  WOW!

On that note, I can expand this thought and perhaps begin to outline what this looks like and add another bucket list item.  I would really like to attend a destination, yoga retreat to do as mentioned above and to explore my spiritual journey on that level.  Granted I love my yoga and spiritual journey that I attend to everyday rather it be on my yoga mat in my zen room, reading a enlightening piece of literature, incorporating yoga philosophy and/or just trying to be a good human being to myself, others, and the earth.

So I’m curious what are some of your deep desires, things to accomplish, places to travel to that are on your bucket list? We are only here for a short period of time, do not wait to tackle your list.  Do it now and enjoy!

Zenfully Yours,

Featured image by rgaudet17. Thank you.