Right Thoughts. Positive Changes.

I am a firm believer that you must explore within yourself, embrace yourself, get to know yourself, and most of all, LOVE yourself!

I know that our own self at times can be our own worst critic, but you must learn to know and to feel that you are enough and that you are actually quite perfectly imperfect AND you do have the power to change and manifest!  Wow, a powerful statement, but so true.  Let me see if I can break it down some and give an example.

As we travel through this journey of life we yearn to explore, grow and love.  However, sometimes, along the way we can talk ourselves down.  We can feed ourselves such negativity; becoming caught in our thought processes that we are not enough or do not have the power to make the changes we desire.  Comparing ourselves to others, desiring more than we need, feeling lost and in despair… These are all low vibration feelings.  These feelings are definitely ok to have, for we are only human.
But, I’m here to gently remind you that there is no need for that. Negativity will always 20181019_152603_0001.pngfeed negativity and you will become stuck in the ferocious cycle, for you become your thoughts.
Instead, I encourage you to move yourself into higher frequency thought patterns and feelings of contentment, acceptance, accomplishment, joy, etc.  Because positivity will always feed  positivity.
There is an Ayurvedic saying that I learned years ago while studying yoga philosophy that goes something like this:
“If you want to know what your mind was like 10 years ago, take a look at your body now.  If you want to know what your body will look like in 10 years, take a look at your mind now.”

You have to change your mindset to make the changes you desire.

This past year I turned 40 and nine months prior to this birthday, I decided I wanted to be in the best shape of my life!  I knew that what I was currently doing wasn’t going to get me there.  I have never been a morning person (well super early that is) and I am definitely someone who would never even consider working out in the morning.  I much preferred my afternoon workouts.  I would use my lunch hour and burn my calories at the gym lifting weights and getting on the elliptical.  But then one random Monday morning, I decided “I AM A MORNING PERSON!”  I kept telling myself this and within three weeks, I had formed a new habit of getting up early, before work, to get a solid 30+ minute workout in at home, crushing it and setting goals in my workouts.  I was consistent with my thought processes and dedicated to that routine and obtaining results (which I still am) and I would just like to add, I ROCKED by 40th birthday!  I am rocking my 40’s and I am in the best shape of my life and I am now a morning person, waking up at 4:50am to workout!  Crazy right?!  But I now love it.
“You are what you think.

          Think it Today.
                      Become it Tomorrow.
Nothing can help you or hurt you as much as the thoughts you carry in your head.”
~Daniel Levin, Zen Card
It’s so true.  We become our thoughts.  So knowing this, next time you catch yourself in a negative thought pattern, I encourage you to love yourself enough to pause, take a deep, nurturing breath and turn it around to create powerful, positive intentions.
Create your happy, zen tomorrows by thinking positive today!
“All that we are is the result of what we have thought.
The mind is everything.
What we think we become.”   ~Buddha
What are you Thinking?  What will you become?
Zenfully Yours,

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