There’ll be time…

A clean and organized home makes me very happy and gives me a sense of accomplishment. However, sometimes life is super busy and picking up and organizing can take a back seat.

Sometimes, my scheduled is very packed: between getting up early to squeeze a solid workout in before work, changing clothes to go to work all day, changing clothes to then attend a network function, then home again to only have to run out for another event/or hosting. With the whirlwind of go, go, go sometimes life gets a little cluttered (on many levels).

Photo Credit: Pixabay, Geralt
Photo Credit: Pixabay, Geralt

For my yoga practice, I love to practice in a clean, simple space with no clutter, usually in what I like to call my ‘Zen Room’. There was a time not that many years ago, if my days led to chaos and a mess, I wouldn’t be able to practice until my space was completely cleaned and everything put away. Sometimes, cleaning and picking up would take so much time that my yoga practice would suffer and I would only have a few moments to do yoga, if at all. Which I do not like to cut my practice, for it’s the one thing that keeps me sane and balanced.

Now, I’m not here to give organization tips or quick tips to stay on top of staying neat and tidy, there are plenty of people and websites offering that. I’m just here to share that it’s ok to step back from the mundane and the constant effort to keep things perfect. It’s much more important to spend your time on the things that make you happy. And for me, one thing that makes me happy is my yoga practice. I no longer need a perfect space to practice in. Sometimes I roll out my mat in the midst of a mess and move, breathe and be…. And that just makes me feel peaceful and happy and balanced.

There will be time to pick up and clean later. … then to practice in that space makes will make me even happier. OM!

I truly believe the most precious gift you can give yourself and to others is the gift of time. Choose to spend your time doing what you love and/or with the people you love.

Zenfully Yours,