Communicating with Self

When is the last time you got in touch with and listened to what your body and/or soul had to say?  If you take the time to feel into the body, it will tell you what it needs.  It’s amazing just how beautifully complicated we human beings are and just how intelligent as well.

When we are able to connect to the energy of communication we become aware that we truly are able to communicate with our bodies.  When we allow this to happen we begin to recognize its signals and understand how to solve its discomforts.  Resonating in the energy of communication brings our body and our spirit into deeper contact with each other.

Developing effective ways to communicating well with yourself is an imperative aspect of overall health and happiness, just as a well-balanced diet and exercise.  Mindfulness helps you tune into how you are feeling and what you are thinking without judgement and possibly without words, allowing yourself to be open and accepting of yourself.

There are many ways to connect to the energy of communication with yourself, below I cover three methods:
*Inner Listening
*muscle testing

Inner Listening:  One of my favorite tools for accessing my body.  It’s when you take some time to journey through the body and feel into it.  First, find a comfortable position either sitting or laying down. I prefer savasana (corpse pose). Bring your awareness to your breath, without manipulating it in any way, just being aware of it.  Feel the breath moving in and out of your body.  Take notice of which parts of your body move with your breath and which parts do not.  Take a little journey through your body, I like to begin at my toes and slowly travel upwards taking in any sensations you may be experiencing, noticing any areas of tension or temperature upon your skin.  Do any images of colors or sounds bubble up from within?  You can go a little deeper by actually placing your hands on certain areas of your body.  Take notice how sensations and breath may shift as you move through your body.  Take notice how this exploration changes your mood, your energy, your sense of who you are.  When done, give a moment of gratitude to self for taking the time to journey within.

Muscle Testing:   This is a direct way of asking your body yes/no questions and having it innately know and answer you.  It suggest that we already have all the answers we seek within us.  There are many forms of muscle testing, below I list three:
1) use of holding a pendulum
2) swaying of the body
3) various hand gestures: interlocking, sticky fingers, bringing palms together, index and middle finger to thumb, finger press

Perhaps you have heard of the pendulum muscle testing.  It’s when you hold some sort of pendulum, rather it’s a crystal on the end of a chain, or your grandfathers pocket watch, etc, you hold it out with your hand, and as in all forms of muscle testing you first ask for it show you what YES is and then what NO is.  For each answer there will be a consistent movement of the pendulum.  Once you can decipher what a YES and a NO, is you can ask yourself the questions you desire answers to.

For me, I use my Left hand (my recessive hand) and place my middle finger on top of my index finger.  My Yes is when I go to flip my fingers apart the middle finger will stay on top of my index finger, a magnetic feeling if you will.  My No is my middle finger will quickly slide off my index finger.  The great thing about this version of muscle testing, no one really knows when I’m asking myself a question and finding my answers.

If this is new to you I suggest first practicing with general questions.  First, ground and center yourself then using your chosen method of muscle testing, ask yourself a few easy questions that you already know the answers to like:  “Is my name Sam?” (Use a name that is not your true name to test your No.  Do this a few times.  Then use your true name that the answer is YES. In my case, Jyll.  You can use basic facts about yourself, like birth date and birth place, you get the idea.  As you learn your signals for YES and NO, begin to ask other questions and see how you begin to connect to your innate wisdom.  I go into more on Muscle Testing here.

Meditation:  While I know this word has a tendency to scare some people and I get a reaction like, “I can’t slow down, my mind is always going.” or I can’t sit still and think about nothing.”  Granted, I enjoy my meditation sessions my sitting quietly on my yoga mat with my eyes closed and connecting with my breath, this is not the only way.  Some people choose to meditate with a visual object such as a burning flame.  Some like listening to music.  While some people can enter a meditative state when they go for a run.  Some people yet find their meditative state in cooking or hiking.  When I suggest meditation, I’m encouraging you to find an activity where you simply lose track of time; your thoughts seem to disappear because you are so immersed into your activity that brings you such joy and calmness.  In other words you enter a state of wordlessness, where no thoughts are required because you are immersed into the passion of what you are doing.  Here in this state, you can take a moment to access how you are: how you are feeling, what sensations are traveling through your body when you are immersed in said activity, if removed from the moment, how does that feel?

Over time this ability to settle into breath and body will begin to broaden the ability to being more present to every aspect of life: feelings, thoughts, sensations, intuitions.  You will begin to grow clearer and wiser and have a deep feeling of connection with all beings (the ultimate goal of seeing clearly with our innate wisdom, after all, is understanding that we are all truly connected and are one), and you will begin to act with deeper care and love.

The body truly strives to move us to emotional/mental health.  The discernment to hear and listen to the innate wisdom of the our energy body is an excellent way into perceiving our truth. When you are open and receptive in energy body, you are open to the world surrounding us.

I encourage you to communicate with yourself, get to know yourself and find what makes you thrive. Resonate in high vibrational feelings and manifest your greatness.

Zenfully yours,