Letting Go and Just Doing It

Sometimes we don’t even know we are holding ourselves back.

This morning, while not feeling 100%, I decided to climb onto my yoga mat and have a restorative practice followed by some meditation. Sometimes, before I settle into my dyhana practice I like to play with my sacred geometry cards. I like to hold them to my heart and ask to connect to a card that I need most in that moment. I pulled Guilt.

My first reaction was what?! Guilt? That makes no sense. I was a bit disturbed. But none the less, instead of dhyana, I settled into dharana practice, which is focused concentration. Focused concentration on guilt.

Wow! I get it. Guilt does not serve me, nor any one of us.
So this whole blogging thing I started back in September 2018 and trying to be more active on social media to share my passions has been a learning experience for sure! For the past four months I have been talking about going ‘LIVE’ on social media, but I was nervous and felt not ready. And as more and more time passed, I guess I began to feel a little guilty. Guilty that I haven’t been doing what my heart has been telling me to do, which is share my passions and connect to as many beautiful souls as I possibly can.

On the back of my Sacred Geometry Card by Janosh, it reads: “Guilt: When you are in balance with your true self, you will make intuitive decision. And when you act in your own best interest, other people might feel disappointed if they don’t understand you. This can result in guilty feelings. Feeling guilty prevents you from truly surrendering and choosing your own path. The energy of Guilt helps you acknowledge that feeling guilty serves no purpose. Not for you no anyone else.”

So, I’m proud to tell you that after I finished my session I had an ah ha moment, and I did it. I went live on my ‘Jyll’s Zen Lounge’ Facebook page…. and it wasn’t so bad.

Please find and follow my page for more zenful insights.

This also has me thinking of aparigraha, which means, non-grasping and letting go. It’s one of the 5 yamas (moral codes), which is one of the 8 limbs of Patanjali’s Ashtanga Yoga.
I need to let go the fear of putting myself 100% out on social media and being completely in the raw and organic.  How freeing?!

I recently came across this quote that has resonated with me so deeply.

“Aparigraha invites us to let go and to pack lightly for our journey through life all the while caring deeply and enjoying fully.” ~Deborah Adele

What do you need to let go of to travel more lightly and be joyous in life?  I would love to hear your thoughts.

Zenfully Yours,